Shu Yamamoto


SHU YAMAMOTO’s Cat Art Makes Its Debut in Seoul!


Meow! Listen up, fellow feline enthusiasts! SHU YAMAMOTO’s paw-some art exhibition has arrived in Seoul!

It’s been just a week since it started, and the buzz is spreading like wildfire.

The ticket websites are giving it pawsitive reviews.

Let’s hope more hoomans can catch a glimpse of his incredible artwork. Don’t miss out on this purr-fect opportunity!

And that’s not all, my feline friends! The venue will also have a wide array of exquisite merchandise for you to choose from. Please feel free to come and indulge in this paw-some experience!

Shu Yamamoto

CAT ART Artist

The motifs of SHU YAMAMOTO's CAT ART are based on paintings from the history of art, and the original style, composition, colors, and touch, as well as cuteness and fun, have been highly acclaimed in Japan and the United States.